Friday, October 1, 2010

[Hetalia] Operation Doppelganger 11/?

Title: Operation Doppelganger
Genre : humor/ romance (?)
Characters: America, Canada, Russia; one-sided RussiaxAmerica, CanadaxRussia
Rating: T for some language and implied sexual situations
Warnings: snarky!Canada, human names, highschool AU
Summary: Matthew had thought this over a million times, now he just had to voice his idea. He cleared his throat and whispered, "Hey, you want my twin brother, I like you; I think we can work something out here."
A/N: This chapter didn’t remotely come out how I anticipated—but unfortunately, that’s pretty standard with this story. And because I was bored the other day, I did a Myers-Brigg on the characters: Alfred is an ENFJ, Matthew’s an ISTP, and Ivan’s an ENTJ (and Gil’s an ENFJ/ESFJ and Ludwig’s an ISTJ).
Don’t know what that is? Go here for an explanation (a test, silly assessment, and the real assessment):
PS. I’m the thought police, so you guys better watch out ;)

Part Ten

Friday, September 24, 2010

[Hetalia] Operation Doppelganger 10/?

Title: Operation Doppelganger 10/?
Author: eveliens/eeevee
Genre : humor/ romance (?)
Characters: America, Canada, Russia; one-sided RussiaxAmerica, CanadaxRussia
Rating: T for language and implied sexual situations
Warnings: snarky!Canada, human names, college AU
Summary: Matthew had thought this over a million times, now he just had to voice his idea. He cleared his throat and whispered, “Hey, you want my twin brother, I like you; I think we can work something out here.”
A/N: Nothing much to say… Katerena=Ukraine. Toris= Lithuania. 

Matthew sat at the table, brow furrowed and calculator in hand. Ever since he was a child, he had always sat at the dinner table to do his homework. Alfred usually joined him (although Matthew sincerely doubted he was actually doing anything more productive than asking Matthew for help every three point seven five minutes). However, he had some football club activity (or so he said; Matthew, quite frankly, had the sneaking suspicion he was stalking the stalker who was stalking the other stalker).

With a sigh he set down his ball point pen and tucked his graphing calculator in its case. It was too hard to concentrate with all the peace and quiet. Not that he’d ever tell Alfred that because then his brother’s incessant chatter would turn eternal. And this was the guy that even talked in his sleep because he literally could. Not. Shut. Up. Seriously, Alfred might spontaneously combust if he couldn’t talk for a day.

He glanced at the clock and jumped. Shit, it was that late already? He was supposed to meet Ivan, Natalia and Alfred in forty-five minutes and he hadn’t taken a shower or gotten dressed. Hastily trotting to his room, he dove into his closet, searching for something suitable. What was appropriate for meeting your not-boyfriend’s family? He didn’t have much of a range of casual clothing. There were his everyday clothes and then his suit. As snazzy as the suit was, he was pretty sure that was overkill.

After going through his wardrobe ten times, Matthew sighed. Way to act like a pre-pubescent girl on her first date, he told himself mockingly. He almost resigned himself to pulling out some non-holey jeans and a clean hoodie when he remembered Alfred’s closet.

Alfred was a clothes whore, there was no mistaking it. He could be on that Hoarders show or compete with Ken from Barbie’s dream house. Funny, he didn’t care for shoes, saying shoe collecting was “girly” and “so gay,” but pink and purple polos were completely acceptable. 

But Matthew wasn’t interested in Alfred’s clothing. Despite being almost the same size, his brother’s flamboyant and tasteless selection made Matthew prefer prison stripes to his gaudy outfits. And somehow they never hung the same on Matthew’s slighter frame, making him look like he was playing dress-up. No, he was looking for Arthur’s clothing. Which would be neatly hung in the corner of the closet, pressed and wrinkle-free. Arthur didn’t leave a lot of his possessions in Alfred’s care but he left emergency clothing in the closet after an unfortunately series of events that left him drunk, naked, and streaking home. And yes, the hair down there matched his eyebrows, much to Matthew’s dismay and embarrassment.

Pulling out a nice pair of black slacks, Matthew hoped they fit. He’d pass on the sweater vests and pick something milder out of Alfred’s drawers. Going back to his room, he picked up some socks and underwear to lay out on the bed with the rest of the clothing (he might be borrowing clothing but another guy’s underwear was crossing the line!) before heading to the bathroom.

The shower was quick and hot and he barely bothered to dry himself off before wrapping the towel around his waist and heading back to his room.

 “Oh holy shit!” Matthew swore in surprise and let go of the towel. It slid off his hips and he dove after it. Ivan just watched with interest as he tried to wrangle the towel and keep himself covered at the same time. “How did you get in here?”

Ivan held up a single key and swung it back and forth.

Dammit Alfred, retrieve your spare keys! Well, at least it was just Ivan this time. Not nearly as awkward as the time Matthew went to pee at 2 am and found some of Alfred’s football buddies high as kites “paddling a canoe” in the bathtub.

Matthew tried to ignore Ivan’s eyes sliding over his body as he went towards his clothes. He got to the bed and started by putting on the first thing he grabbed. Socks, oh yes, that was soooooooo useful.

“Why are you here? Am I late or something?” Matthew asked, fumbling with the shirt. It was a classy navy button up and so not Alfred. Must have been a present from some aunt or other. It probably had been intended for Matthew at one point and time but the aunt forgot his name and wrote Alfred to cover it up. It had happened before, much to Alfred’s disgust to receive a fuzzy polar bear nightie at age seven. Of course, it was hilarious when he pitched a fit and got all of his presents taken away until he apologized. Matthew had been smirking the whole time behind his plush bear.

“No, I am currently seeking refuge.”

“From Natalia?” Like the Russian would be hiding from anything else. It could be a re-enactment of Aliens and Ivan would laugh as the alien popped out of the body (then proceed to beat it to a smushy pulp with some random pipe).

“She will not find me here.” Ivan nodded, eyes still wandering over Matthew, a small smile on his face. “This is Alfred’s place of residence.”

“I’m sure she knows—oh.” Oh. Of course Natalia wouldn’t look here. Because she was avoiding Alfred like he was a flea-infested plague-carrying bilge rat that had mange and leptospirosis. She might actually take the rat over Alfred at this point. And kiss it.

“You’ll have to see her at dinner.” Matthew reminded him and Ivan grimaced slightly. He fiddled with his fingers and frowned a bit, “Katerina will be happy to see both of us.”

“See, this is why you’re such a good person. And I’m sure Natalia will behave herself in front of your sister and her friend.” Actually, Matthew highly doubted it. From the few times Natalia had managed to corner Ivan, she seemed dead set on making herself a creepy-as-hell, exorcist-worthy possessor of his mind, body and soul. It didn’t seem to matter who was around, the girl was fixated, obsessed. And in the States, well, that was a mental disorder. 

By now Matthew had managed to put on everything but the slacks and some decent shoes. His eyes scanned the bed, while he was painfully aware Ivan could see his asscheeks peeking from beneath his briefs and his somewhat skinny chicken legs. Where’d the pants go?

“Here.” Ivan said and Matthew whirled around to see he was holding the slacks, “These do not belong to you.”

“No, they’re Arthur’s. A little bit short but better than Alfred’s leather-studded rock star pants. Those things chafe.” Matthew blurted out. And then he wanted to crawl under the bed. He did not just admit to wearing those… abominations (although Gilbert said they made his ass look delicious, if that counted for anything). He flushed and added, “It was on a dare. I don’t normally wear that kind of stuff!”

Ivan merely handed him the slacks without a word and Matthew flushed harder. No judging, no judging! God, he hoped Ivan wasn’t turned off by him in leathers. They really did hug too tight, both in the front and the back, and the waist was a little loose showing off his navel. That reminded him, he was sure Gilbert still had copies of those photos… which meant that Liz and Francis did too… he’d have to see if he was tagged on Facebook!

The two sat in silence for the rest of the time in the house. Great, just great, Ivan now needed mind bleach. Maybe Matthew could cancel the image out with one equally horrifying? The only thing that came to mind was the one time Matthew was putting a calculus program on Kiku’s laptop. He didn’t care if a deep-sea squid had a penis longer than its arms and body that was made for penetration… he didn’t want to see it… at all to be honest, but especially not like that. And why did Kiku have it as his screensaver anyway? And did it have to be animated with sound?

“Um, ready?”

Ivan inclined his head, “As much as is possible considering the circumstances. I am very nervous.”

Matthew mustered up a smile.

“I was merely planning potential escape routes.” Ivan added seriously. “I have already mapped the restaurant. There is a dumpster in the back that is large enough for a temporary hiding place.”

Eww, overshare.

Matthew brushed through his hair and pushed Ivan out the door, locking it behind them. With every step he could feel the nervousness ball up in his stomach tighter and tighter. He assumed that Ivan’s sister was normal but considering Ivan himself and Natalia, it just didn’t seem likely. He spent the whole way to the school imagining more and more horrifying renditions of Katerina until he was convinced she was really a cross-dressing serial killer who drove an ice cream truck.

They turned the corner and he eyed the woman who was speaking earnestly with Natalia. Well, she appeared normal enough and didn’t look like a serial killer (what did a serial killer look like anyway?). She went to put a hand on Natalia’s shoulder and the blond snagged it midair. Crack. The hand was withdrawn hastily.
Ivan frowned but didn’t say anything.

“Um, hi, I’m Matthew.” Matthew squeaked. As usual, they ignored him. Matthew was convinced that he actually spoke on another plane of existence and that’s why when he met new people they couldn’t see, hear or feel him. Or he was a ghost. He had bounced that one off Alfred which ended in much screaming and bedlam. He poked Ivan in the ribs and hissed, “Introduce me, would you?”

Usually if someone else pointed him out (like when Matthew first met Ivan Alfred brought him up) people could see him perfectly. Ivan grunted at him and Matthew chalked it up to being in close contact with Natalia. He was probably deeply immersed in fighting his basest survival instincts just to be within ten feet of his natural predator.

“Oh Ivan dear!” Natalia cooed making both the woman beside her and Ivan jump. Her eyes lit up like a hell-fire preacher offered the road to salvation. Ivan gave a nervous little smile and waved slightly, “Natalia, you seem well.”

Matthew barely jumped out of the way as she latched onto Ivan like a man-eating leech. Ivan whimpered slightly and tried to edge away.

“Aren’t you going to say anything to your sister?” Matthew asked, trying to distract Ivan. Three pairs of eyes flickered over to him and zeroed in. Natalia started making this sound like she was trying to laugh but her windpipe was too rusty. Ivan cocked his head, puzzled, “But Matvey, my sister is not here yet.”

Matthew’s head whipped around towards the other woman. He took in the shoulder length brown hair and slim figure and green eyes. Everyone caught his look. Ivan slowly started to chuckle as well, “That is not my sister.”

“Katerina went to use the lady’s room.” The “woman” said in a surprisingly deep voice, “I’m her friend, Toris.”

Matthew instantly went beet red. He was sure it was quite an attractive color against the navy blue shirt. Stuttering and stammering an apology, he looked at Toris again and realized either “she” was really flat or didn’t have moobies. Toris started to stammer back that it was alright, it happened all the time, not to worry. Between the two they were having a stammering, stuttering fest where Ivan watched with sick amusement and Natalia rolled her eyes in boredom. Thank god Alfred wasn’t here yet.

“Ah, Ivan!” This voice was clearly female and the body it belonged to was even more so. Matthew was not a breast man, but he swore he heard those things bounce! Boobs swaddled in thick layers of fabric should not be making sound effects like in a cartoon. And her running in slow motion? A straight man’s wet dream. She almost made it to Ivan before tripping. The Russian lunged forward to grab her, dragging Natalia along for the ride. The three of them went down like a play in Alfred’s football game, Matthew getting a good look up Natalia’s skirt in the process; he sincerely hoped she didn’t notice. Katerina was laughing and crying and hugging and suffocating both unfortunate victims with her chest. Ivan had a bashful smile plastered on his face that made Matthew’s heart flutter uncomfortably. He loved Ivan’s real, rare smiles, and this one was especially sweet. Even Natalia had a small smile on her lips as she gave a small hug back.

“So, how do you know Ivan?” Toris asked, glancing over curiously at Matthew.

“We both go to the university. I met him through my brother Alfred.” Matthew hated getting-to-know-you small talk. He shuffled around for a moment, wishing he was invisible. Why was he so damn awkward? Obviously Toris was a nice guy; it’s not like he was asking creepy stalker information like, what’s your blood type or you look hot naked in the window at night, please don’t shut your blinds anymore.

He felt a tap on his shoulder and whirled around. Alfred was looking sulky, although he kept stealing glances at Natalia and Ivan, probably just Natalia, every few seconds.

“You scared the shit out of me, Al!” Matthew yelped. His brother just stared at him with a pout, his lip stuck out. Okay, this was just creepy. Alfred was never silent… unless he was sneaking up on someone… but that was only so he could yell as loud as he could in the person’s ear (his favorite victim seemed to be Arthur followed by Kiku; he claimed he was learning other languages by getting cussed out never mind that English was still English). A few more minutes ticked by with Alfred trying to use osmosis or some shit by staring intensely at Matthew. “I don’t know what you want! Use your words!” How many times had Matthew heard that one?

Alfred snorted and threw his hands up in the air dramatically. Then he sulked some more.

“Maybe he can’t talk?” Toris suggested, eyeing Alfred with open curiosity.

Alfred nodded.

Brilliant, just brilliant. Matthew could see how this evening was going to go. He would have to pretend to be Alfred and Alfred would have to be him… this had some serious potential to be disastrous.

Friday, September 17, 2010

[Hetalia] Operation Doppelganger 9/?

Title: Operation Doppelganger 9/?
Author: eveliens/eeevee
Genre : humor/ romance (?)
Characters: America, Canada, Russia; one-sided RussiaxAmerica, CanadaxRussia
Rating: T for language and implied sexual situations
Warnings: snarky!Canada, human names, college AU
Summary: Matthew had thought this over a million times, now he just had to voice his idea. He cleared his throat and whispered, “Hey, you want my twin brother, I like you; I think we can work something out here.”
A/N: Thank you all for the hits, favs, reviews, and alerts. I’ve been having a luckless sort of last couple of weeks and your support is very encouraging.
And unrealistic chapter is unrealistic… but avoids an unwelcome angst-fest in a romantic comedy.

Part Eight

Thursday, September 9, 2010

[Hetalia] Operation Doppelganger 8/?

Title: Operation Doppelganger 8/?
Author: eveliens/eeevee
Genre : humor/ romance (?)
Characters: America, Canada, Russia; one-sided RussiaxAmerica, CanadaxRussia
Rating: T for language and implied sexual situations
Warnings: snarky!Canada, human names, college AU
Summary: Matthew had thought this over a million times, now he just had to voice his idea. He cleared his throat and whispered, “Hey, you want my twin brother, I like you; I think we can work something out here.”
A/N: This chapter started out exceedingly fun and just went... to emoland. Or something. But it's something very important Mattie needs to work out so... here we go...

Part Seven 

[Hetalia] Operation Doppelganger 7/?

Title: Operation Doppelganger 7/?
Author: eveliens/eeevee
Genre : humor/ romance (?)
Characters: America, Canada, Russia; one-sided RussiaxAmerica, CanadaxRussia
Rating: T for language and implied sexual situations
Warnings: snarky!Canada, human names, college AU
Summary: Matthew had thought this over a million times, now he just had to voice his idea. He cleared his throat and whispered, “Hey, you want my twin brother, I like you; I think we can work something out here.”
A/N: Introducing the Axis of Frosting and Belgium. With a bit of his Awesomeness. And fudge, mmm.  And this is your warning: odd pairings throughout the fic. And butchered German.


Part Six

[Hetalia] Operation Doppelganger 6/?

Title: Operation Doppelganger 6/?
Author: eveliens/eeevee
Genre : humor/ romance (?)
Characters: America, Canada, Russia; one-sided RussiaxAmerica, CanadaxRussia
Rating: T for language and implied sexual situations
Warnings: snarky!Canada, human names, college AU
Summary: Matthew had thought this over a million times, now he just had to voice his idea. He cleared his throat and whispered, “Hey, you want my twin brother, I like you; I think we can work something out here.”
A/N: Hockey fail! This chapter brought to you buy someone who doesn't watch sports and only watched the World Cup for the uniforms and funny antics when someone scored.

Soren= Denmark

Part Five

[Hetalia] Operation Doppelganger 5/?

Title: Operation Doppelganger 5/?
Author: eveliens/eeevee
Genre : humor/ romance (?)
Characters: America, Canada, Russia; one-sided RussiaxAmerica, CanadaxRussia
Rating: T for language and implied sexual situations
Warnings: snarky!Canada, human names, college AU
Summary: Matthew had thought this over a million times, now he just had to voice his idea. He cleared his throat and whispered, “Hey, you want my twin brother, I like you; I think we can work something out here.”
A/N: Two questions were posed to me by the peanut gallery-- er, the guinea pigs.
1. It's weird Arthur is Alfred's friend. Why are they the same age?
        I'll admit it, I'm a fan of both FACE and FrUk, but it didn't occur to me when I started this story to do that. Plus, there's that weird logistics peeve of mine about gay parents having gay kids. And I like Arthur and Alfred as friends :)
2. Vodka?
       Ivan drinks, yes, but since this is an AU and since he IS a foreign exchange student, alcohol isn't the center of his existence. To get into those programs you can't have big problems like excessive drinking/drugs. He's more interested in staying in the States than guzzling liquor.

Part Four

Matthew stomped out of the locker room and searched around the room. The feelings of inadequacy and shame had filtered away leaving something he preferred to keep on the hockey ice. Anger. He was feeling vexed. He was beyond vexed. He was fucking livid. His brother was such an asshole!

Glancing around, he tried to remember who he was looking for. Long blond hair, like a princess… with knives. Surely they wouldn’t let her in with knives… if she came. Maybe she wasn’t here at all. Maybe Alfred was delusional and this was all a dream.

Matthew shoved his way between people, not bothering to say excuse me. They wouldn’t hear him anyway. He was about to give up and head back to the locker room when he saw her in the corner. 

First thing that struck him was that she was way too classy for his brother. He didn’t see any obvious knives, although he did consider her nice, expensive skirt might be hiding them. The lack of weapons didn’t really help though. Because she was definitely an ice queen.


Ivan was right. This girl was giving off some seriously scary vibes. Like she would enjoy castrating with a rubber band and a sharp, shiny knife if a guy looked at her wrong. 

He was about to head back into the locker room when Ivan’s pleading face came to mind. Reluctantly he pulled out the phone. He was pretty sure that this was Alfred’s Natalia, like one hundred and ten percent, his brother was just that crazy, but he guess he needed to make sure it was Ivan’s Natalia. Really, what were the odds that some crazy stalker would chase Ivan halfway across the globe, hunt him down in a small town and show up at his unofficial hockey game? Those odds were like Arthur saying no to a free beer or Berwald giving a rousing speech on Catholicism. 

“Um, excuse me Miss…” Matthew said, taking a few steps closer. She stared past him with cold, pale eyes. Matthew fought down the urge to compare her to the White Witch from Narnia. Taking another step forward, he steadied the phone and made sure the camera was on. Slowly inching forward, like he was creeping up to a basking rattlesnake, he tried again, “Natalia?”

Her head whipped around and he yelped, instinctively snapping the picture in her face with the flash. She leapt up and he bolted with a death grip on the phone because Alfred would kill him if his new phone was damaged. 

He tore into the locker room and glanced around in a panic. Most of the people had already gotten dressed and were warming up on the ice. Ivan was nowhere in sight (that little pansy!) and Alfred was rifling through someone else’s locker.

“Oh, hi, Mattie.” Alfred giggled nervously, “You don’t have any pants on… and, uh, do you have any deodorant? I lost mine and phew.” Matthew threw the phone at him and darted around the corner willing his invisibility power to kick in. Hands grabbed him and he almost screamed but a big palm wrapped around his mouth and a strong arm pulled him behind another stand of lockers.

“Shhh!” Ivan hissed then added calmly, “I see you have met Natalia.”

Matthew gulped and replied as dignified as he could manage blowing like a skittish race horse, “I do believe I have, eh? I, er, understand now.” Understand was an understatement.

The two stood with Matthew pressed tightly against Ivan’s chest, which he could feel hammer away beneath him, listening intently as the door slammed open. Ivan buried his face in Matthew’s hair and had a white-knuckled grip on his bare shoulders. Absurdly enough, the only thing Matthew was thinking about was the realization that he ran around half-naked in front of a good portion of the town! Mortified, he tried to shrink back into Ivan. He knew that his near-naked hurdling run across the rink was sure to be on youtube within the hour, courtesy of either Gilbert or Liz.

He could see the captions now: Invisi-boi streaks with White Witch in pursuit (keywords: superheroes, pussywhipped, and hot girl) and Cheating boy nerd caught with girl’s boyfriend (keywords: yaoi, boyonboy, boyxboy, naked, and sexy).

“Hi Nat!” Alfred’s chipper voice floated back to their hiding place and Matthew could picture his million watt smile as he waved with the incriminating phone in hand. “You do realize that you’re not a guy and this is the men’s changing room, right? Not that I mind. You should’ve come in earlier when I was more undressed.”
“I believe I saw enough of your weak form just moments ago.”

“Weak!” Weak?! Matthew was not weak. Sure, he didn’t come with a built in six pack, but his body was nicely toned. Plenty of people complimented him on it.

“Matvey is not weak.” Ivan whispered into his hair. Matthew would be feeling warm tinglies about that statement if Ivan wasn’t using him as a human shield.

“Listen, I think we got off on the wrong foot.” Alfred smoozed, turning on the charm. There was a crashing sound and Alfred shrieked, “My phone! Don’t hurt it! Now, now, let’s be calm here. There’s no need to hurt the innocent phone. I’ll just put my hand out… aggh!” More crashing noises and Ivan trembled behind Matthew. 

“Remove my picture from this device. Immediately.” Natalia demanded and Matthew could hear Alfred continuing to beg and grovel for his phone’s life. There was a sigh of relief and some button pressing.
“See? It’s gone.”

“Good. Now where is my beloved Ivan?” her voice took on a creepy quality that one could mistake for warm and fuzzy… if you were talking about a wolverine. Matthew reached back with one arm and awkwardly gave Ivan a reassuring rub.

“Do not make me repeat myself.” Matthew always hated when the bad guys in movies said that. It was a lame threat and one… one Alfred would have to respond to as the hero. Well, she asked for it, using such a trite cliché.

“Or what?” Oh yes, cue the cocky hero.

“Excuse me?” Ice dripped off her words.

“You look beautiful. Beautiful women shouldn’t threaten people. Why don’t you let me take you to lunch?”
“Is there any intelligence in that vacuous, attractive head of yours?” Natalia sounded affronted and slightly puzzled that Alfred invited her out to lunch. “I merely wish to see my beloved Ivan! Tell me where he is so I can do so as soon as possible!”

“You think I’m good-looking? I don’t know what that other word meant, but I am damn fine. You and I would make a good couple; we’d be the talk of the town.” Well, that was definitely true, although perhaps not in the positive way Alfred imagined. Oh God, did he always sound this cheesy?

“Alfred is very good looking.” Ivan agreed, “But his true virtue lies in his ability to entertain.” After hanging out with the Russian for the past three weeks, Matthew still wasn’t sure if Ivan meant the comment genuinely or if he was doling out a backhand compliment.

“You are attractive… to some women. But my Ivan is much more handsome. And not a whore.” Natalia replied primly and Matthew bit back a giggle. Alfred gave a mock scandalized gasp and then chuckled, “I prefer serial monogamy. I’m not a cheater you know, and I don’t carry cooties.”

A small snort echoed around the locker room in answer.

“So that’s a dinner? C’mon, let me pay you back for the picture, please?”



“I am not interested.”


“You are such a child!”

“Is that a yes?”

“Will you be quiet if I agree?”

“Zip my lips and promise.” Matthew pictures him doing so with his fingers.

“Fine. Then I will accompany you to dinner. However, it will not be tonight. I must find dear Ivan, and if he is not here, then I will search elsewhere.”

“Sweet! Can I have your phone number?” Alfred’s voice slowly faded away as he, Matthew assumed, dogged Natalia out the door.

The wicked witch had been confused and abused by the bumbling hero while he cowered around the corner. That was just great. Matthew was just the half-naked pansy that ran screaming into Ivan’s arms. Smooth as a pancake.

“Is she leaving?” Ivan whispered into Matthew’s hair. It tickled and he squirmed a little. Ivan’s death grip had relaxed leaving one arm looped lightly around his bare waist and the other hand tucked over his shoulder. Matthew leaned back and looked up, viewing Ivan’s face upside down. He gave a tentative smile, “I think Al dealt with her. Do you still want to play?”

Ivan gave a smile in return and nodded. Matthew tried to walk free and gave an experimental tug. Ivan’s arms followed him then locked up.

“Ivan, you have to let go. I need a uniform. And some pants. Little things,” Matthew said, while he leaned back into Ivan. Way to make him let go. “So we can play.”

Reluctantly Ivan let go and said innocently, “Matvey looks much better without a shirt, but that would be very cold. Perhaps you should get ready, so that we can play.”

 Part Six